More than fourteen years ago, a few individuals with a passion for education and good service delivery got together to unite their expertise and dreams. Universal College Outcomes SA was the product of these individual’s efforts to establish a private FET College that would be accessible for everyone, regardless of their financial or educational backgrounds.
Universal College Outcomes SA is an Early Childhood Development training provider and a leading role player in the private education sector in South Africa. 31000 learners enrolled in Early Childhood Development Programmes with Universal College Outcomes SA in the past 11 years.
Our Support offices are dedicated to upgrade our qualifications and service delivery to our learners on a continuous basis to deliver the best experience.
Registered Name
Universal College Outcomes SA, (Pty) Ltd. The acronym is UCO
Universal College Outcomes SA strives meet the following values:
Legal Status:
Universal College Outcomes SA (Pty) Ltd is a registered company in the education field with Reg. No: 2000/028805/07 according to the Company Act, Act 61 of 1973.
Left to right: Louise du Plessis (Director), Kenne Gous (Managing Director), Jos Viljoen (Director)
Universal College Outcomes SA strives towards leadership in Vocational Training and the Further Education and Training (FET) process in South Africa, by making accredited, marketable and affordable Early Childhood Development training of a high quality accessible to the South African nation.