Data Management and Connectivity

Data Management and Connectivity

End User Computing 5

Who should attend this course?
This Skills Development Programme is intended for:

  • Learners studying towards the National Certificate in Information Technology: End User Computing.
  • Learners that have successfully completed the ICT & Software Foundations Skills Development Programme (EUC3) and the Business Applications Skills Development Programme (EUC4).


What Careers Can You Pursue With This Qualification?

The qualification is ideal for business people in the following fields:

• Personal Assistants / Receptionists.
• Office Administrators.
• Project Administrators.


Developmental Learning Pathway


This programme is designed as a third level qualification for the National Certificate Information Technology: End User Computing.

After completing this programme the learner qualifies for the National Certificate in Information Technology: End User Computing (EUC).




National Learner’s Records Database (NLRD)


After achieving the outcomes of this qualification, the learner’s name will be entered into the NLRD so that future employers can verify the achievements of applicants for work.

› The total number of Credits for this Qualification is 41.


› This is equivalent to 410 Notional hours that need to be spent on this Qualification.


› This includes contact time, structured learning, workplace learning and self study (1 credit = 10 notional hours).


› More but not less time can be spent on this Qualification.

  • ICT & Software Foundations Skills Development Programme (EUC3).
  • Business Applications Skills Development Programme (ECU4)

› Universal College Outcomes SA is under obligation by the South African Qualification Authority Act 1995 to be accredited by an Education and Training Quality Assuror (ETQA) for SAQA accreditation.


› Because Universal College Outcomes SA is presenting short courses and programmes leading to qualifications in the FET band of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the SAQA accreditation proccess is with the QCTO (Quality Council for Trades and Occupation).


QCTO (Quality Council for Trades and Occupation)


Universal College Outcomes SA is provisionally accredited by the QCTO through the ETDP Seta, Accreditation Number ETDPS1123. UCO also has programme approval from the ETDP Seta (Approval Nr: ETDPS1123) , Services Seta (Approval No: 3782) and from MICT Seta (Approval No: LPA/00/2008/07/278).


″Learners must be aware that Universal College also offers a few Provider Programs that are not unit standard aligned. The courses are quality assured by the provider.”

Unit Standards

  • MS Excel Advanced
  • MS Access
  • Understand and Use Outlook Basic
  • Understand and Use Outlook Intermediate
  • Concepts of Economics
  • Understand and Use Internet Basic
  • Understand and Use Internet Intermediate
  • Risks and Security in Information & Communication Technology
  • Communication in the Workplace
  • Office Administration Level 3
  • Computer Research
  • Data Communications
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